The Favourite Coffee Shop by Gigi Gao wite 1
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Gigi Gao's Favourite KaFei has been borne out of the success of multi-award winning Gigi Gao's Favourite Authentic Chinese restaurant located in Swansea Marina. It has twice won the "Best Oriental Restaurant in Wales" in 2018 and 2021 held by The Golden Chopsticks Awards in London, plus the "Best Asian (Chinese) Restaurant in Wales" at the Asian Restaurant Awards 2018. The business brand which was launched in January 2018 is "Gigi Gao's Favourite" and it has always been Gigi's intention to branch out into other areas of the hospitality industry, and grow the brand.


You'll just have to visit the 'KaFei' to discover the secret for yourself!


When you dine at Gigi Gao's Favourite KaFei you can't help but notice that it is different. It's a coffee shop unlike any other in the area. The wealth of colour within the 'KaFei' stems from the ever changing decor (you'll have to keep returning throughout the year to see for yourself), the strategically created product placement, the unique and eye catching photography and of course the vibrant colours of the foods. Oh yes, even the music is different!

The more observant diner will also note that the menu dishes offered are somewhat different from those on offer at other coffee houses. Of course, like everything we do in the name of 'Gigi Gao's Favourite'(s) there is a perfectly reasonable explanation, and especially behind the style of dishes on offer, although it may not seem so at first glance.

Whilst deliberately not wishing to be labelled a dedicated 'health themed' coffee house, Gigi and her Business Consultant have overcome very serious health issues by ditching conventional pharma medication in favour of a change in dietary lifestyles...and in doing so could rarely find anywhere that catered for them and those who also followed such strict dietary needs. It was clear to us that the importance in understanding the role which good food and dietary habits play in determining one's health (or in the case of bad food, illness) is paramount. We'd like to share those experiences, the knowledge and the foods which helped us restore our fitness, to help others who are interested in finding a better dietary lifestyle. We welcome you to join us on our journey...



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